Beauty Sleep or Beauty Nightmare? The Truth about Sleeping in Makeup

3 min read

Hello gorgeous! I know, it’s pretty annoying to remove that makeup before going to bed especially when we are super tired and just want to get a good night’s sleep. But that extra muck on our face means more problems for our skin. Despite being urged repeatedly to remove all makeup before going to bed, there are moments when this is simply not possible to achieve. 

I freely confess that, despite my training as a skin care advisor, many times I have slept with my makeup on. And next day, waking up with the smudged mascara, scary eyes and patches on the skin made me realize how important it is to make sure everything is well cleaned off. Sleeping in makeup can actually be a beauty nightmare. Let’s discuss the unpleasant things that occur to our skin when we neglect to take off our makeup before going to bed.

Leaving makeup on overnight can clog pores, leading to breakouts and skin irritation. It can also cause premature aging and dullness in the skin. It’s important to cleanse your face before bed to allow your skin to breathe and regenerate while you sleep.

Leaving your eye makeup overnight can lead to various eye infections and irritation. Our eyelashes and eyelids are so delicate and thin, it’s really important to take extra care of them. Starting off with DaisyBloom’s oil based cleanser Makeup Melting Balm that will dissolve and melt away all your dirt, grime, excess oil and any trace of makeup which is a great first step to a proper cleansing.

You will look older if you don’t remove your makeup since it can interfere with your skin’s natural capacity to regenerate at night. Makeup can also combine with the dirt and toxins and it’s this that may be contributing to early aging. Additionally, it may cause the skin’s collagen to break down. Furthermore, your skin loses firmness and may age earlier than usual when collagen is not created correctly.

Leftover makeup prevents the absorption of other skincare products as it acts as a barrier between the skin and the product we are using. It doesn’t allow the products deep penetration into the skin as your skin is already layered with your makeup products.

The dirt and pollution gets trapped onto the skin surface overnight, if not cleaned properly, making the skin dull and rough. And we end up putting more bronzer and concealer to get that artificial glow.

So, cleansing your face and removing your makeup should be your mandatory skincare ritual before going to bed at night as beauty sleep with a clean canvas is definitely the way to go for healthy, glowing skin!

So next time you’re considering skipping your night time face cleansing, think twice!!

Let’s be naturally beautiful together and keep in touch.


Gunjan Sharma

Hello you!! My name is Gunjan Sharma, a mom & a skin care enthusiast living in Gurgaon. You can find me at my workstation making some products or in my living room searching on pinterest or youtube what to make for dinner. I created this blog to share everything I have been learning & what it takes to feel confident in your own skin and be naturally beautiful.

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