All About Oiling Your Hair

3 min read

Hello gorgeous! 

Some things never go out of trend and hair oiling is one of them. It is an old tradition and a secret to smooth, shiny and lustrous locks. This spa-like experience at home not only keeps our hair strong and healthy but also makes us feel relaxed. In this blog I want to talk about some useful information about applying these botanical oils to our scalp.

But first, let’s understand the science behind oiling

Did you know that our scalp produces a natural conditioner? The sebaceous glands in our scalp produce plenty of sebum (oil) which gives moisture to our hair and works as a natural conditioner. But many times it is not enough. Lack of sebum makes our hair greasy, dry and flaky. In that case, oiling plays an important role. A good hair oil  9-in-1 Miraculous Hair Oil provides all the benefits of natural sebum. Hair oiling coats our strands and seals in moisture. This provides intense moisturisation to the scalp and strengthens the hair.

Benefits of Hair Oiling

Regular application of hair oil with a good hair massage stimulates hair growth, strengthens hair strands, hydrates and nourishes the hair, reduces split ends, controls dandruff and protects hair from environmental damage. While working with clients with various hair types, I took up the challenge of coming up with an ultimate hair treatment with thoughtfully blended high-quality ingredients. And now DaisyBloom’s 9-in-1 Miraculous Hair Oil has been helping the clients to keep their hair happy and healthy, whether they just want to tame their frizz or naturally grow their hair! 

How often do you oil your hair?

    • Normal to oily hair- once a week or every other week is fine

    • Dry & itchy scalp- two to three times a week massage with warm oil is good

    • Dry and brittle hair- twice a week is good

    • Weather & season change will also impact the need for more or less hair oil

How long to keep the oil on your scalp?

Ideally keeping the oil in your hair overnight is good to provide proper moisture and nourishment to the scalp and roots of the hair. But sometimes we don’t like the mess it creates on the pillow cover or the smell and many other reasons, so I recommend to keep it at least for an hour. 

Massage the warm oil 9-in-1 Miraculous Hair Oil on your scalp, cover it with a shower cap and allow it to stay for at least one hour to condition the hair nicely before washing.

Avoid going outdoors with oil in your hair as it attracts more dirt, pollution etc which in turn leads to hair fall, dandruff and dry hair.

So, what’s your hair care and oiling routine? Share your experiences with us and let’s lead a path to healthy and happy hair. 

Let’s be naturally beautiful together and keep in touch.


Gunjan Sharma

Hello you!! My name is Gunjan Sharma, a mom & a skin care enthusiast living in Gurgaon. You can find me at my workstation making some products or in my living room searching on pinterest or youtube what to make for dinner. I created this blog to share everything I have been learning & what it takes to feel confident in your own skin and be naturally beautiful.

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