Unveiling the secrets of Vitamin C: what’s all the hype about?

4 min read

Ever since I was a kid I have heard about the benefits of vitamin C from my mum. We used to eat it in many forms, be it from lemon juice squeezed in a bowl of dal, or from an orange eaten raw. It’s no surprise that today Vitamin C is one of the most widely used ingredients in the pharmaceutical and skincare industries and these products are being launched by many skincare companies as if it is a completely new product. 

Vitamin C is known for its anti-ageing benefits, scurvy prevention, antibacterial treatment, immunity enhancement, and is also for its detoxification properties. But wait! Before using any new ingredient it’s important to understand it completely and look for the benefits and properties it contains. And the same goes for vitamin C.

1. Vitamin C – a nutrient obtained through our diet

Vitamin C is neither produced nor stored in our body naturally so it must be consumed through a rich, varied and balanced diet. It’s a water soluble nutrient and is found in citrus fruits, strawberries, tomatoes and even broccoli too! Because of its nutritional value it is often added to salads, pulses and wherever an extra citrusy flavour is needed. 

2. Gold treatment for wrinkles and sagging skin

Have wrinkles? It has been proven that topical applications of vitamin C can reduce the appearance of wrinkles. As we age our skin loses its elasticity and its collagen levels also decrease which over time causes wrinkles and sagging skin. If you find your skin starting to sag under your eyes, on your cheeks, or around your neck, a vitamin C cream or serum might tighten your skin if used correctly and patiently.  

3. Boosts collagen production

Another important C word is Collagen. It is an essential building block of skin, cartilage, bones and other tissues. Collagen is an abundant protein in our cells but its volume decreases as we age. When our collagen levels decrease, our skin becomes less firm and supple which can cause wrinkles and fine lines. Consistently applying a trusted vitamin C product on your skin can help in boosting collagen production and making skin firmer, tighter and brighter. 

4. Brightens skin

Prolonged UV exposure triggers the melanin production in the skin. This eventually leads to tanning, hyperpigmentation, dark spots and uneven skin tone. Vitamin C controls the melanin formation and can prevent the overproduction of pigment in the skin and in turn improves skin tone, reduces dark spots and brightens skin.  

5. How to identify vitamin C on product labels

If you check the labels of your favourite products you might not see “vitamin C” specifically mentioned. Instead it is often referred to as ascorbic acid. Those with a science background might know the chemically active form of vitamin C as L-ascorbic acid, and the ethyl group derivative is known as ethyl ascorbic acid. If we compare the two they might provide similar results, but ethyl ascorbic acid is a more potent and more stable form of vitamin C and hence it does not discolour the skincare product it is used in. It is because of this stability that we use ethyl-ascorbic acid in our best-selling Vitamin C Night Cream 

6. Important points to consider while using vitamin C for skin

Although vitamin C has shown to be safe for most skin types, one should always test vitamin C products before using as high concentrations of vitamin C may cause allergies and irritation. You can test by selecting a small patch of skin in an easily hidden area (I always test products on my inner elbows) and applying a small amount of the product there. Wait for at least 30 minutes and monitor the patch for any sign reaction such as a rash, hives or redness. If you do not see these signs you can continue to use the product as directed. 

Vitamin C has many useful properties. Make sure you give it a try for youthful and healthy skin. When it comes to attaining maximum effects of any product, my golden rule is consistency. Keep up with your skincare routine daily and enjoy all the rejuvenating effects!

Let’s be naturally beautiful together and keep in touch.


Gunjan Sharma http://daisybloom.store

Hello you!! My name is Gunjan Sharma, a mom & a skin care enthusiast living in Gurgaon. You can find me at my workstation making some products or in my living room searching on pinterest or youtube what to make for dinner. I created this blog to share everything I have been learning & what it takes to feel confident in your own skin and be naturally beautiful.

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  1. 1
    shweta Aggarwal

    I have used almost all products crafted by Gunjan Sharma and they are all very effective and cost efficient, plus we are getting natural products which are preservative free , thanks to Daily bloom for making such a wonderful range of miraculous products which serves the daily need of beauty regime

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